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Academic Readiness

Printable College Course Placement Chart

EKU Academic Readiness programs help new, full-time freshmen (NFTF) students achieve academic success and degree completion. Classes, workshops, programs, tutoring, one-on-one and group mentoring initiatives, and social activities provide students with opportunities for skill development designed to improve academic aptitude in writing, reading, mathematics and the sciences,  as well as academic self-confidence, college-and-career-ready social skills, success strategies, and financial literacy.

High School to College:

Academic Readiness staff also coordinate the summer Colonels Now program. This high school-to-college or transfer transition program is open to all new, first-time freshmen and first time transfer students. Students who participate in Colonels Now form a collaborative learning community characterized by mutual assistance, one-to-one encouragement, and collaboration with a number of campus and community partners.


Students can take a wide variety of credit-bearing coursework, even if they did not meet ACT benchmarks in Mathematics (ACT Math 19), English (ACT English composition 18), or Reading (ACT Reading 20). We collaborate with the Departments of English & Theatre, Mathematics & Statistics, and Philosophy to offer these courses so students can take classes that will count toward their degree while receiving the support they need. 

  • ENG 101R: Reading, Writing and Rhetoric, Supported
  • ENG 102R: Research, Writing and Rhetoric, Supported
  • MAT 105P: Math with Applications, Supported
  • MAT 106P: Applied Math: Financial Literacy, Supported
  • MAT 112 AP/BP: College Algebra, Supported
  • STA 215P: Introduction to Statistical Reasoning, Supported
  • PHI 101R: Introduction to Philosophy with a Focus on Logic & Critical Reasoning, Supported
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